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Lil' Bluebird Designs

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What a Few of our Customers are Saying About CottageCutz:

"I just wanted to say....oh my goodness....
The dies you released today are absolutely adorable, over the top! I could not love them more. Thank you so very much for the package discount deal option, because of that I clicked buy in a heartbeat! I am incredibly thankful for your company and the many long hours and hard work you put in to making it successful and run. I get so many compliments on the cards I send and show to others. Thank you for offering repeated sales and product too fun to pass up."

             -- Michelle

"I received my order of the newest Christmas CottageCutz yesterday and included was the set of mini dies.  Thank you so very much!  I love all of them and am excited to use them on my Christmas cards and pages.  The CottageCutz are my favorite dies and I am glad they are from your store.  You have great service and are so nice to work with.  I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and wish you a Happy Holiday Season. Thank you again."
             -- Sharon

"I am definitely NOT an artist by any stretch of the imagination but your dies are so wonderfully creative and detailed that it makes me feel like I have accomplished a good project. My relatives think I'm special when in reality anyone can do it with these dies. And it's not just the Halloween release - I have been making myself a sample book of all the dies I own (can't wait to do my November dies from you!) for inspiration when I'm stuck and I'm consistently amazed how well the CottageCutz look when they're all put together. Each release continues to wow me. I can't say enough about how much I LOVE them! Of all the dies out there, CottageCutz continue to be my #1 favorite."  

              -- Rita N.

"Thank you for including all six of the mini-dies with my order!!  I love each of them.  I just want you to know that CottageCutz dies never disappoint.... and without a doubt, they are the best designed dies anywhere. Thanks again!  I look forward to your next release."
               -- Alice M.

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Copyright 2002 - 2025 The Scrapping Cottage, Inc. All rights reserved. The Scrapping Cottage and Lil' Bluebird Designs are trademarks of The Scrapping Cottage, Inc. CottageCutz is a registered trademark of The Scrapping Cottage, Inc. All other products and names belong to their respective owners. Prices, specifications and availability subject to change without notice.


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